I figured that I should post some pictures since it has been a while. We have had some firsts in the past few weeks. Ella can now roll over from her belly to her back and on July 4
th (on Grandma
Milinski B-Day) she rolled from her back to her belly. Also we think that she is starting to get her two bottom teeth in. We can see two white dots on her gums. I will post video shortly...I just have to get one that is not so long. We are also getting ready for her ear surgery next week. I'm praying that everything will go smooth. Well I'm off to pack. I'm going out of town for work so it will be my first night away from Ella :( but Daddy will be with her.
Enjoy the pictures.
Well Grandma
Blaha and I took Ella to the Prime outlets last week and here is the damage....not to bad :)

I can't believe how fast that she is growing! She is my little sweetheart!!!