I bet that you thought I forgot about the blog.....who knew that babies were so much work :) We have been busy these last couple of weeks. First we had two doctor appointments, one with the plastic surgeon and Ella's 6 week check up. Ella's ear tag surgery is set for July 20. Dr. Jensen said they will do it out of the surgicenter not at children's hospital because she will only be put out for 20 mins. (that makes me nervous a little)Because of her weight and height the doctor said that we can have it done at 4 months. The surgery should be routine and the doctor said that it could have been much worse. I had no idea that the tags can also effect the ear and the face. Dr. Jensen said that some kids have sagging faces and jaw problems and most babies have deformed ears which leads to hearing problems. We are so fortunate that Ella's is cosmetic. We had her appointment on Thursday she was 23 1/2" long and 10lbs 15 oz, then on Monday we had our 6 week check and she was then 24" (she is off the charts, Dr.Biebel said we have a very tall girl on our hands) and she was 11lbs 5oz (80th percentile) and her head was 30th percentile. I'm having problems with the clothes for her. If she keeps getting taller and stays thin I will have to have her clothes taken in. Thank god it is summer and she can wear shorts and capri's. By her size she is developing great. Dr. Biebel said that Ella was a 4 month old level. She has rolled over on her side for the first time @ 5weeks old, she is very alert and reaches out to touch items in front of her. Ella loves to smile and make noises(we have a talker on our hands). Ella also had her 3 vaccines that day as well. Tim had to work so I took Grandma Milinski with us and she got a little teary eyed when she got the shots. Also we are lucky with her temperament, she is a easy going baby. Both Grandma's laugh at me when I tell them she is being fussy when they are over and they said if this was fussy you are so lucky. We also have a good sleeper on our hands she is up to about 6 hours at a stretch at night, then I feed her and she will go back down for 3-4 hours. The longest is 7 hours, going on 8 to 9 hopefully. We have started bath time every night before bed with her calming bubble bath and Ella loves the water. I hope that all the mom's have a great Mother's Day, we have Ella's Baptism tomorrow so I will post pictures later.
We also had her one month pictures taken. I did order the birth announcements so those should be coming in 2 weeks or so. Here are some of the pictures.
This is the only picture we got of Ella by herself in her dress before she called it quits.

This is how Ella takes naps on Daddy. To cute for words.

This is when she rolled over for the first time.

Love Stef and Ella
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