I can't believe that my little girl is 3 weeks old already. She is growing so much everyday. She is already 9 1/2 lbs and grew another 2 inches, she is 23" long(where did the height come from). Ella is officially out of her newborn clothes and into the 0-3 month because of her length. I feel that she grew overnight. She is sleeping ok at night, some nights are better than others, but even though Tim is back to work, he is still a great help with her when mom needs some sleep. Grandma Blaha also has been a big help with Ella during the day and she spent her first night over here to help out so I could get some more sleep, but of course Ella slept great. Ella only got up once to feed and slept 3 1/2 hours each time. I don't know what I would do without the support of my family, they are helping me keep my sanity. My mom is still in Florida,with her other 2 grandchildren, helping out my sister move into their new home, but I know my mom can't wait to spend time with Ella. This is her first grandchild that lives in the same state. Ella now loves to smile(trying to get it on camera is so hard) and is trying to get some sounds out. She loves to lay on her changing table and look at the shelf above. Thank god for that, she keeps quiet while changing her diaper. And we always know when she is going to the bathroom, she has faces for #1 and #2. She makes us laugh with each new face that she makes. Also we introduced Ella to a bottle a few days ago and not to our surprise she takes it like a champ. Now I can leave the house for more than 3 hours at a time.
Here are a few pictures of Ella.
Daddy was making her smile in her pack n play, but Mommy was to slow with the camera.

Now that her cord fell off, she likes her tummy time.

Here is her hospital picture at 3 days old.

Love Stef & Ella
Ella is so adorable and every time Grandpa and I visit we fall more in love with her! And those funny faces that she makes show that she is truely a Daddy's girl.