I know that Ella has been home for 3 days now and I'm just getting to an update today. We got to take her home on Saturday and been enjoying every moment of parenthood. Ella, Tim and I are doing great, she was fussy for the first 2 nights home, but I changed what I'm eating to see if that was effecting her tummy. So far, keep your fingers crossed, it seems to be helping. We want to send a special thank you to our family and friends for everything, running to get us what we needed, helping out at home, visiting us at the hospital, and returning home to a decorated house. Ella had her first doctor appointment on Monday with Dr. Biebel and she is doing fabulous. She was 1/2 oz under her birth weight(she is eating good), her weight is on the average side, head circumference was in the 30% percentile, but her height is on the top of the charts. Dr. Biebel said she is tall and skinny and take as many pictures as possible because she will never be skinnier. Tim has been such a big help this week I don't know what I'm going to do when he goes back to work next week, but I know that I have grandma's just a phone call away. Ella is a true daddy's girl already. She loves to sleep on his chest and Tim can calm her down even when she is super fussy. He is so natural with her, being a Dad just fits him especially having a daughter. Here is a ton of pictures. Hope you enjoy.
I love this little butt.

Ella and Daddy....look at all that hair.

Ella's first bath picture, she wasn't a big fan of the bath part, but loved the cuddling after.

Here are the start of all the pictures from the visitors at the hospital. I will post pictures of Grandma and Grandpa Blaha when I get them (we will let Tim off the hook on taking pictures, he was just to excited with the birth of daughter). Thank you to all the family and friends who came to visit us, we are truly blessed to have such amazing people in our lives.
Grandma Milinki

Grandpa Milinski

Uncle and Godfather Dan

Great pictures of her first few days! Glad you liked the house. Was gonna stop in to see you this week but will stay away for awhile due to a lovely cold i have contracted! Hope things are going well!