Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 26, 2010

Less than 2 weeks!

Tim and I are practicing a lot of patience these days. We are so excited that we are so close to the due date. I had my 38 week doctor appointment on Thursday, nothing to much to report. My blood pressure is back to normal and her heart rate was at 137 bpm. I'm still at 1.5 cm dilated and continuing to "thin out". Dr. Epperson said she is very, very, very, very low, which I hope that means when she decides to make her appearance that it will be quick moving when I go into labor. Ella's movements were way down in the day before my doctor appointment so they decided to monitor me for a bit on Thursday. I'm happy to report that everything is good. I was having contractions, they were mild and about 3 mins. apart, but I couldn't feel them. Ella and I are making good progress and it can be any day now :) Here are a couple of pictures. Tim found these adorable mirror butterfly decals for the walls at Kohl's. Maybe the next update will be letting everyone know I'm in labor :)

Love Stef & Baby Ella

1 comment:

  1. Is Ella gonna pull a Lauren and make everyone wait longer that expected? Hopefully you get to hold that little lady sooner than later! Good Luck if we don't see or hear from your guys before!
    The Umnus'
