Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Picture Time!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Ella's 1st Surgery!!
Ella had her ear surgery this morning....the medical term was......excise left pre tragal auricular remnant...which means that she had her ear tag removed that she was born with. I was really worried that we would have a rough morning considering that the last time I could feed her was at 2:30 am, but since she sleeps through the night I had to set my alarm for 1:30am and feed her. I think she was still sleeping when I feed her.....she is such a sound sleeper at night that nothing will wake her. Then from 2:30-6:30am she could have water or pedialyte. We got up at 6 and we mixed the water and pedialyte, which she really liked. We made it from 6am to the start of her surgery and then into the recovery room without a melt down. Yes, Ella made it without crying however I did not. As soon as Tim and I had to leave the room I lost it. Big shocker on that one. Ella did great and Dr. Jensen said that it went very well and we have a follow up appointment next week. We are anxious to see what it looks like under that band-aid.
Here is a picture of Ella in her hospital gown.....this is one of my favorite pictures.

Here is a picture of Ella in her hospital gown.....this is one of my favorite pictures.
Here is her before picture
This is when we came into the recovery room and I was able to feed her. They said that most babies don't take coming out of the anesthetic very well and Ella was one crabby baby. We got through half the bottle and she let out the loudest burps I have every heard from anyone and then threw up all over my top. It went all down my shirt. Oh well....she felt so much better, then she fell asleep and woke up with a smile.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Quick Post
I figured that I should post some pictures since it has been a while. We have had some firsts in the past few weeks. Ella can now roll over from her belly to her back and on July 4th (on Grandma Milinski B-Day) she rolled from her back to her belly. Also we think that she is starting to get her two bottom teeth in. We can see two white dots on her gums. I will post video shortly...I just have to get one that is not so long. We are also getting ready for her ear surgery next week. I'm praying that everything will go smooth. Well I'm off to pack. I'm going out of town for work so it will be my first night away from Ella :( but Daddy will be with her.
Enjoy the pictures.
Well Grandma Blaha and I took Ella to the Prime outlets last week and here is the damage....not to bad :)

Enjoy the pictures.
Well Grandma Blaha and I took Ella to the Prime outlets last week and here is the damage....not to bad :)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
OK.....It has been a while!
I know that it has been a while and I have been reminded that I have not posted in a month. I'm back to work now and I everyday I have good intentions of updating the blog but then something else always comes up. I promise that I will try to be better at updating or at least post pictures. Where do I begin....I'm back working full time and the Grandma's are loving it because now they get to babysit Ella. She loves all the attention that she gets. Ella is still growing like a weed. When I measured her last week myself she is already @ 27" long. She is so long and lean. I can't begin to tell everyone how lucky Tim and I are to have such a good baby. She is such a easy going baby(Tim says that she gets that from him:) Everyday is so amazing to watch her grow and develop. She is reaching out for her toys and hair(she loves to pull hair) She holds things for herself and has rolled over from her tummy to her back for the first time. I think that she is going to break some teeth soon....soon it will be time for baby food. After her surgery @ the end of July the doctor said that we should start her on food. I guess our next purchase will be a high chair for Ella...just one more thing to add to the house. Ella found her new best friend.....Jersey. She loves to watch her, we will give Ella her tummy time and Jersey will lay in front of her and I swear that if Ella could she would start to crawl over to her. Ella loves to pet her and Jersey will usually let her except Ella likes to grab a large amount of hair and hold on for dear life. After she is done we usually will pick large amounts of cat hair from her fingers.
Enjoy the pictures.
Some days I really don't think I had anything to do with making her....she is so her daddy.
She loves to pull up her dresses.....we are going to have to work on that :)
Me & Daddy on Father's Day
Oh how I love my bath time. Soon I will to long for my tub.
Oh look dimples....I have something from my mom:)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
10 Days Left!
I have 10 days left until I go back to work :( The time has went by so fast, but it has been so amazing to see how much my little peanut has grown. I will greatly miss her when I'm back to work, but I know that she will be in good hands. We are so blessed that Ella will have great daycare.....her Grandma's. Grandma Blaha quit her job to watch Ella and Grandma Milinski will help out between working. I know that she will be loved and have so much fun with the grandparents. Ella is still growing like a weed...we are officially in 6 month sleepers(just for the length) and she is such a good natured baby. I hope that she keeps up with her good sleeping habits at night, Ella constantly sleeps 8 hours every night and the last couple of nights we are at 9 hours and even 10 1/2 hours the other night. I know that I'm lucky, I just hope she keeps it up. Enjoy the pictures.
My little happy baby.........

My little happy baby.........
is all smiles........

and loves to talk.

And then I love to sleep on Grandmashita(that is Grandma Milinski, my brother-in-law nicknamed her mammashita years ago and since the grand kids we renamed her Grandmashita. It is so funny when Alina calls her that :) This is Tim's child.....her dress up and missing a sock.

And then I love to sleep on Grandmashita(that is Grandma Milinski, my brother-in-law nicknamed her mammashita years ago and since the grand kids we renamed her Grandmashita. It is so funny when Alina calls her that :) This is Tim's child.....her dress up and missing a sock.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
More Pictures!!
I did post yesterday, but I was having trouble posting more pictures. Enjoy the pictures.
Here is a picture of Jersey, we can't forget about the first baby of the house. She has been such a good girl with Ella.
Here is a picture of Jersey, we can't forget about the first baby of the house. She has been such a good girl with Ella.
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