Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Baby #2 is on the way

Here is the first picture of our newest member of the family. This was taken at around 9 weeks. This was our 2nd ultrasound that we have had. At 6 weeks we got to hear a strong heartbeat and another one at 9 weeks. We are very happy that the ultrasound reveled that everything so far looks good. The doctor said that everything looks great and we have little arms and legs and a strong heartbeat. I will start going back to regular appointments soon. And we only have one in there :) I ask that at the 6 week ultrasound and then was confirmed at the next one. I still very nervous and I don't think I will stop until this baby is in my arms. We will find out the sex of the baby on Dec.15th so that will be a nice Christmas present. I'm feeling better with every passing day and we are very excited to announce that Baby Blaha #2 is on the way. I'm going to make a prediction that it will be a boy but as long as it is healthy we don't care.
Love Blaha Family


  1. Congrats Stef & Tim!!! And I'm also predicting a boy! :)

  2. Congrats to you all! So happy to hear that all is well and your little peanut is growing nicely. That's awesome news!!

    The Steighners
