Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ethan Robert is on the Way!

We had our 20 week appointment yesterday and we are happy to announce that we are having a baby boy this time around. Everything looks like we have a healthy and very active little boy. The first shot the doctor got we were able to confirm that it was a boy. She was 100% positive that it was a boy. We were also told that he had very long legs....big shocker that another baby would be tall since Ella is the height of some 3 year olds.....we get a lot of questions of why she is not talking in full sentences yet and then we let them know that she is only 21 months and they are shocked. We are so very excited that he looks healthy and that we are having a boy.....this means that I get to go shopping since we bought all girly clothes and accessories for when Ella was born. We hope that everyone has a great Christmas and I will post the pics soon of the ultrasound and Ella's Christmas pictures.
Love Tim, Stef, Ella and Ethan

Monday, October 24, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Baby #2 is on the way

Here is the first picture of our newest member of the family. This was taken at around 9 weeks. This was our 2nd ultrasound that we have had. At 6 weeks we got to hear a strong heartbeat and another one at 9 weeks. We are very happy that the ultrasound reveled that everything so far looks good. The doctor said that everything looks great and we have little arms and legs and a strong heartbeat. I will start going back to regular appointments soon. And we only have one in there :) I ask that at the 6 week ultrasound and then was confirmed at the next one. I still very nervous and I don't think I will stop until this baby is in my arms. We will find out the sex of the baby on Dec.15th so that will be a nice Christmas present. I'm feeling better with every passing day and we are very excited to announce that Baby Blaha #2 is on the way. I'm going to make a prediction that it will be a boy but as long as it is healthy we don't care.
Love Blaha Family

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hot Mess!

Here is a video Tim took the other morning when Ella woke up. With all that crazy hair she was a real hot mess.

Love, Stef and Ella

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sad News

This is not the post that I wanted to be making but on Thursday we heard those words that you never want to her at the doctor...I'm sorry but we can't find the heartbeat. Most people knew that we were expecting our second child and on Thursday we went to the doctor to find out that the baby stopped developing @ about 7 weeks. I should have been 10 weeks and the doctor could not find any cardiac activity. I knew right away thinking back to our first ultrasound with Ella that was the first thing we heard and with this one we didn't hear anything. We had a decision to make on how we wanted to proceed. Like most women they will naturally miscarry and that is how you find out but my body was still trying to cling onto the life so we had to use drugs to induce the miscarriage. Tim and I trying to think of the positive that this baby was not meant for us and as I think of what could have been....I have to think of what I amazing little girl who is healthy and makes me so happy. The doctor said not be be worried that we had no problems conceiving and that this was nothing that could have been helped. It was all genetics and the fetus stopped growing because it could sustain life. We want to thank all of our friends and family for your support while we go through this tough time.
Love Stef, Tim and Ella

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday!!

On March 18th we celebrated Ella's 1st birthday. I can't believe that Ella is already one year old. It feels like just yesterday I was going into the hospital to have her. I can't imagine my life without her. No matter what is going in she always brings a smile to my face. I love her more and more each day. Ella is becoming such a big girl and learning more each day. Ella had her one year check up last week and she is doing great. She is off the charts for her height, the average height of a 2 year old. She is 60% percentile for weight and is developing at a 18 month old level. Ella has the walking thing down as well as "dada" and "mama", even though she yells "dada" at everything. She also knows kitty for Jersey and doggy for Derby and for everything else is "that". Everyday I'm so happy that we have such an amazing little girl. We where able to have family and friends join us in help celebrating Ella birthday, she is very lucky to have so many people that love her. I hope that you enjoy the pictures.

Here is some pictures when Ella went the children's museum with Tim and Grandma.

Love Stef and Ella

Friday, January 28, 2011

Four Months in Review

Don't fall off your chair....but finally a blog update. I promise that I will be better on updating the blog. Well here is 4 months of pictures and a lot of memories. I can't believe that Ella is almost a year old and everyday that passes we are so lucky to have such a happy and healthy little girl. She brings such a smile to my face, I find myself rushing home from work to spend every moment that I can with my little angel. I think that I turned her into a mommy's girl :) She is growing up so fast and is turning into such a little lady. I hope that you enjoy the pictures.

All smiles all the time

On October 23 we had Carrie and Craig's wedding. Here is Ella with Grandma and Grandpa Blaha.

Ella was all smiles with Uncle Dan all day....she loves her Uncle.

I don't know who's prettier...Dan or Ella? :)

Here is Ella and Daddy

Uncle Craig and Auntie Carrie

Here is Ella's 1st Halloween and it is fitting that she was a kitty since Jersey is her partner in crime these days.

We also took Ella to Green Meadows with the Dinner Club in October. She had so much fun with all the animal but at the end of a long afternoon she was ready for a nap.

I can't believe she kept those blue eyes

Ella's 1st time eating pancakes

Ella letting Mitchell give her nose kisses

These are some of my favorite pictures of Ella, we took them one night after her bath. I think that her eyes look amazing.

Ella is mommy's little helper

Here a some of the pictures that didn't make the Christmas cards

This is a little extra one that I thought was so cute. Ella and Daddy's boots at the front door.

Ella has now discovered that she can open up cabinets.

Ella on Christmas morning opening her presents.

Uncle Dan gave Ella her cool new shades...she needed to try them on.

I think that Ella must have been a good girl....look at all those presents from Santa.

Here is Auntie Trish giving Ella her 1st piece of cake.....she loved it. I don't think she will have any problems with her smash cake on her birthday.

For New Year's we went up to the Dell's with the dinner will be a trip that we will never forget because a lot of people including Tim and Ella got a nasty flu. I was not a fun ride home.

Here are the most recent picture...everyday is looks more like her Daddy.

Love Stef & Ella