Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, July 10, 2009

Is the world ready for a Baby Blaha???

I went to the doctor today and they determined that I'm around 5 weeks. I have my next appointment August 13th. Today we did start to tell the family, we know it is still early but we are so excited. We went to the zoo today with Tim's Mom and she bought the baby it first sea turtle stuffed animal, we knew that would happen :) We have a feeling this baby will be loved by both sets of Grandparents. This baby will be Tim's parents first grandchild and my parents third. Tonight we are going out with the "Dinner Club" so we will make the announcement tonight(unless Mindy already went blog surfing). So far I feel great except for the whole bathroom thing, but I can't expect that to get any better anytime soon.


  1. Yay! We are so happy for you guys! Can't wait to welcome Baby Blaha into the Dinner Club :)

  2. Congratulations you two! We are so excited and can't wait to meet the newest Blaha!
