Sorry it has been a while since my last post. This Christmas Ella got the most I think, but we knew that was going to happen. This year Tim and I decided that we would get one big gift for the two of us and since we have a little one on the way we needed a video camera. I really think Tim will have more fun with present than me. We got a Sony HD(if you know Tim, that is no surprise that it is Sony). It has awesome features that we can't wait to use with Ella. Thank you to everyone that helped with the best buy gift cards. Here is some pictures of what she got from Auntie Carrie & Uncle Craig and Grandpa & Grandma Blaha.

I think that Grandma Joy's favorite new store is Janie and Jack.....she got Ella an adorable outfit for next Christmas.

Mom Blaha also got me my Coach diaper bag. This way Ella and I are in style when we got out.

Here a cute picture of Jersey. This is what she does most mornings when I get ready. She is to cute for words. I don't know what she is going to do when Ella comes...she's not going to be the baby anymore.

I hope that everyone had a happy and safe New Year. We spent New Year's Eve with the dinner club again, but this year we had three new babies added to the group. It was great to see Tyler for the first time...he is the newest member of the dinner club. I can't believe that it is 2010, but so excited that Ella will be here soon.
Love Stef & Ella