This weekend will be my last one off for a while probably until my baby shower in January. I guess one of the joys of working retail. I took advantage of the warm weather and did some outside Christmas decorating and cleaned out some of the closets in the house. I feel that I had a productive weekend off. Mom and baby are doing well, I'm feeling great, except my feet hurt after 9 hours of being on them at work. If that is the only thing I will take it. Ella(yes we have decided on her name) is a very active baby, especially at night. I love that I can feel her moving around and Tim got to feel her kick. He finds it funny to talk to her and say "Ella, kick mamma" and it is funny that she will usually responds to his voice. We got a very generous surprise from one of my sister's good friend last week. She has a daughter that just turned 2 and no longer had the need for all of her baby items, so my sister called me and asked if I wanted anything. Well when you see these pictures we got a ton of great things. A lot of these items will be used at the grandparents houses as extras. I want to send a special thanks to Christine and Cora for all the great things we got. Here are some pictures.
These are most of the clothes anywhere from newborn to 6 months. Most of her drawers are full already.

The swing, bouncer and saucer will go to the grandparents house since they will be doing a lot of babysitting for us.

These are some cute dresses that still have the tags on them.

On top of everything that is in the pictures, we also got a bottle warmer, bottle sanitizer, an extra diaper bag, baby bjorn, car seat and base(grandma has it in her car already) and some great newborn toys and mirrors.

These are a few things that Grandma Joy picked up for Ella.

Our good friends, Andy and Rachel got her these cute Brewer oneies. Jersey always needs to be included. Ella will look great sporting these at her Brewer games this summer.

And here are some updated pictures of her bedding, because the ones I took last time made the color of her bedding look bad. Tim said I needed to post new ones.

Love Stef and Ella Joy