Well I'm still pregnant. He will be evicted on May 10. I'm officially done with work until the end of July. I'm taking these few days to spend with Ella and relax before I have two kids. We will keep everyone posted but I think that he will be here when he is forced out.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Happy 2nd Birthday Ella!!
I can't believe that Ella is 2 years old. She has been such an angel this past 2 years but we have seen some terrible two's starting up in the last day or so. We had a family birthday party for Ella and her are some pictures. The birthday party was Thomas the Train theme...mom had a hard time shopping in the "boys" section of the party store but it was what she wanted. I did throw in a little strawberry shortcake since she likes that as well. Mommy and Daddy love you Ella so much....hope you had a great 2nd Birthday.
Like father like daughter....We got her the leap pad explorer since she likes to play with dad's tablet......she wanted to sit on her potty chair and watch Thomas......she is so Tim.
Like father like daughter....We got her the leap pad explorer since she likes to play with dad's tablet......she wanted to sit on her potty chair and watch Thomas......she is so Tim.
Ella loves her cake.....most of the cake was in her mouth not to much in her lap.

She loves to open presents......like her mommy:)
Grandma and Papa Derby(She knows the grandparents by the dogs names....my parents are Grandma and Papa Mitchell) got her a new slide which she loves.
Auntie Char Char made these for Ella...They are so cute and she loved eating them.
Here is a picture of Ella's new room. She moved into the other room and Ethan's room is almost done as well. Tonight is the first night in her new big girl bed......we hope this goes well. Also I think that I have been added to potterybarn kids best customer list as well :)
Tim is now Ella's new horsey.
Dad and Ella awaiting the Brewers season to start
On a side note mom and baby are doing good. I did have to go to the hospital last week I was having some pains. It turns out it was contractions that were 2 mins apart and I started to dilate as well. I'm now down to 32 hour work weeks and no more than 8 hours a day until Ethan makes his arrival......Baby was never in any distress and is continually very active in mom's belly.
Love Tim, Stef, Ella & Ethan
Friday, December 16, 2011
Ethan Robert is on the Way!
We had our 20 week appointment yesterday and we are happy to announce that we are having a baby boy this time around. Everything looks like we have a healthy and very active little boy. The first shot the doctor got we were able to confirm that it was a boy. She was 100% positive that it was a boy. We were also told that he had very long legs....big shocker that another baby would be tall since Ella is the height of some 3 year olds.....we get a lot of questions of why she is not talking in full sentences yet and then we let them know that she is only 21 months and they are shocked. We are so very excited that he looks healthy and that we are having a boy.....this means that I get to go shopping since we bought all girly clothes and accessories for when Ella was born. We hope that everyone has a great Christmas and I will post the pics soon of the ultrasound and Ella's Christmas pictures.
Love Tim, Stef, Ella and Ethan
Monday, October 24, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Baby #2 is on the way
Here is the first picture of our newest member of the family. This was taken at around 9 weeks. This was our 2nd ultrasound that we have had. At 6 weeks we got to hear a strong heartbeat and another one at 9 weeks. We are very happy that the ultrasound reveled that everything so far looks good. The doctor said that everything looks great and we have little arms and legs and a strong heartbeat. I will start going back to regular appointments soon. And we only have one in there :) I ask that at the 6 week ultrasound and then was confirmed at the next one. I still very nervous and I don't think I will stop until this baby is in my arms. We will find out the sex of the baby on Dec.15th so that will be a nice Christmas present. I'm feeling better with every passing day and we are very excited to announce that Baby Blaha #2 is on the way. I'm going to make a prediction that it will be a boy but as long as it is healthy we don't care.
Love Blaha Family
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Hot Mess!
Here is a video Tim took the other morning when Ella woke up. With all that crazy hair she was a real hot mess.
Love, Stef and Ella
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sad News
This is not the post that I wanted to be making but on Thursday we heard those words that you never want to her at the doctor...I'm sorry but we can't find the heartbeat. Most people knew that we were expecting our second child and on Thursday we went to the doctor to find out that the baby stopped developing @ about 7 weeks. I should have been 10 weeks and the doctor could not find any cardiac activity. I knew right away thinking back to our first ultrasound with Ella that was the first thing we heard and with this one we didn't hear anything. We had a decision to make on how we wanted to proceed. Like most women they will naturally miscarry and that is how you find out but my body was still trying to cling onto the life so we had to use drugs to induce the miscarriage. Tim and I trying to think of the positive that this baby was not meant for us and as I think of what could have been....I have to think of what I have....an amazing little girl who is healthy and makes me so happy. The doctor said not be be worried that we had no problems conceiving and that this was nothing that could have been helped. It was all genetics and the fetus stopped growing because it could sustain life. We want to thank all of our friends and family for your support while we go through this tough time.
Love Stef, Tim and Ella
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