This is not the post that I wanted to be making but on Thursday we heard those words that you never want to her at the doctor...I'm sorry but we can't find the heartbeat. Most people knew that we were expecting our second child and on Thursday we went to the doctor to find out that the baby stopped developing @ about 7 weeks. I should have been 10 weeks and the doctor could not find any cardiac activity. I knew right away thinking back to our first ultrasound with Ella that was the first thing we heard and with this one we didn't hear anything. We had a decision to make on how we wanted to proceed. Like most women they will naturally miscarry and that is how you find out but my body was still trying to cling onto the life so we had to use drugs to induce the miscarriage. Tim and I trying to think of the positive that this baby was not meant for us and as I think of what could have been....I have to think of what I amazing little girl who is healthy and makes me so happy. The doctor said not be be worried that we had no problems conceiving and that this was nothing that could have been helped. It was all genetics and the fetus stopped growing because it could sustain life. We want to thank all of our friends and family for your support while we go through this tough time.
Love Stef, Tim and Ella