Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I gave birth to Tim Jr.

I can't believe that Ella is almost 2 weeks old already. Time really goes by fast, I need to take each day at a time and enjoy my time off with Ella. Tim went back to work yesterday and he only called once. I know that it is hard for him to be away from his princess, he is so in love with his little girl. So far Ella has been a really good baby. She is eating well(look at those cheeks) and sleeping good. The other night she slept for 5 hours then I got up to feed her and change her and then she went back down for another 4 hours. If only all nights could go that well. She only gets fussy at night when she needs a diaper change or to be feed. I think that it is really helping that I'm watching what I'm eating to prevent her from getting gas or an upset stomach. It has helped me as well, I'm only 2 pounds off my pre-pregnancy weight and still going. Ella has been getting a lot of love and attention from the family and she loves every minute. Here are some pictures, hope you enjoy.

Everyday she looks more like her Daddy, but Ella still has light eyes that we are hoping that will stay blue.

Grandpa Blaha love his Ella time.

Ella enjoying her tummy time.
So precious when she sleeps, we love to kiss those cheeks.

Love Stef & Ella

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Welcome Home Ella!

I know that Ella has been home for 3 days now and I'm just getting to an update today. We got to take her home on Saturday and been enjoying every moment of parenthood. Ella, Tim and I are doing great, she was fussy for the first 2 nights home, but I changed what I'm eating to see if that was effecting her tummy. So far, keep your fingers crossed, it seems to be helping. We want to send a special thank you to our family and friends for everything, running to get us what we needed, helping out at home, visiting us at the hospital, and returning home to a decorated house. Ella had her first doctor appointment on Monday with Dr. Biebel and she is doing fabulous. She was 1/2 oz under her birth weight(she is eating good), her weight is on the average side, head circumference was in the 30% percentile, but her height is on the top of the charts. Dr. Biebel said she is tall and skinny and take as many pictures as possible because she will never be skinnier. Tim has been such a big help this week I don't know what I'm going to do when he goes back to work next week, but I know that I have grandma's just a phone call away. Ella is a true daddy's girl already. She loves to sleep on his chest and Tim can calm her down even when she is super fussy. He is so natural with her, being a Dad just fits him especially having a daughter. Here is a ton of pictures. Hope you enjoy.
I love this little butt.

Ella and Daddy....look at all that hair.

Ella's first bath picture, she wasn't a big fan of the bath part, but loved the cuddling after.

Here are the start of all the pictures from the visitors at the hospital. I will post pictures of Grandma and Grandpa Blaha when I get them (we will let Tim off the hook on taking pictures, he was just to excited with the birth of daughter). Thank you to all the family and friends who came to visit us, we are truly blessed to have such amazing people in our lives.
Grandma Milinki

Grandpa Milinski

Uncle and Godfather Dan

Auntie Carrie

Auntie Trish and Godmother

A special thank you to the dinner club......we came home Saturday to our house decorated by our amazing friends. Thank you for thinking of us and helping us celebrate the birth of our daughter.

Ella's first picture at home.

Daddy and his 2 girls.

Love Stef and Ella

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ella Joy has Arrived!!

Yesterday will be a day to always remember for Tim and I, the day that our daughter Ella Joy made her appearance, finally. We got to the hospital around 7:30am to start the induction process. Around 8:30am Dr. Epperson broke my water and started the pitocin. At 9am I started back labor, I made it until 11am with no pain meds, but the back labor was so intense and no stopping in between contractions so I decided to do an epidural since I had to be monitored anyway. I loved the epidural man, the doctor became my new favorite person in the whole world. :) With 5 minutes I was pain free and able to relax for an hour. The nurse checked me and I was at 4cm at 11:30am. Then I started to feel the pressure of contractions around 12:30pm, then I got checked again at 2:00pm and to our surprise I was 9 1/2cm and ready to push. Tim was a great support system for me through the labor process. At 3:14pm Ella made her appearance. I had no idea but her cord was around her neck which was causing her heart rate to lower after each contraction, but I pushed her out in such a short time that no other measures were needed. Also she did have her first bowel movement in the womb so they wanted to make sure they got all of it out of her system. Ella was great. She was 21 inches long and 7lbs.5oz and her lung function was amazing. Her apgar score was 7/9 out of 10. We do have to take her to get a small skin tag removed from her left ear. It is very common that babies have them and Dr. Biebel said that a plastic surgeon can remove it and it will not leave a scare at all. To a mom, that is music to my ears. Yesterday she maybe slept for a hour the whole day(Tim and I were nervous), but today she sleeping a normal amount and feeding well. Mom and baby are doing great and can't wait to get home. Here are some pictures of her.
Look at those long feet and toes. She has daddy's dry feet:)

Here is Tim Jr. As of right now the only thing she has of mine is her light eyes(which can change) and one little dimple.

Daddy giving Ella nose kisses. She is a daddy's girl already.

She loves to suckle on everything, her blanket, her fingers, and her binkie.
I will post more pictures of all the visitors, soon.
The Blaha Family

Last belly picture

Better late than never. Here is my last belly picture before going to the hospital.
Love Stef & Baby Ella

Monday, March 15, 2010

6 Days Late!!

I can't believe that Ella is still not here. No contractions yet and feeling ok, just anxious and excited. I think that Ella is teaching Tim some patience(if you know Tim he is a got to have it now). I think he is more excited than I am to have our little girl here. We also had some more good news last week....I can post about it now that the stores know now. Tim got a promotion at Kohl's, after Ella is born he will be at the Waukseha store (Hwy18) as the HR/Operation manager. I am so proud of him for only being with Kohl's for 3 months and getting a promotion. I told him to keep climbing that ladder then maybe one day I can be a stay @ home mom. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful husband and soon to have my amazing daughter.

Love Stef & Ella

Saturday, March 13, 2010

4 days late and counting!!

No contractions yet, but still hoping for maybe something today. If she is anything like daddy she would come today, Tim was 4 days late. My sister Stacie thinks it will be Sunday since Alina was 5 days late. I think Papa Milinski would like Ella to come on Tuesday so they can share a birthday. I think she will go to Thursday just because she can. Tim and I made a decision that I should stop working. I made it 4 days after my due date, but with us being so close to the hospital we feel it would be better, just in case she makes a quick appearance(that would be nice for mommy). It does feel nice to be off or work till June, all I need is my little girl. We will keep everyone updated.

Love Stef & Ella

Thursday, March 11, 2010

2 Days Late!!

Well, I was hoping not to go to the doctor this morning, but since Ella is stubborn like her daddy I had my 40 Week appointment. I have made some more progress. I have dilated to about 3 cm and the doctor had said that if I wanted, she is so low that I could reach and feel her head. I told her that I was good and I would leave that to the doctors. Dr. Epperson did do some more "stripping of my membranes" and I no longer have my mucus plug. Dr. Epperson said that she would hopefully see me later today. I really hope so, I really don't want to wait until the 18th and I know that Tim and the family don't want to wait either. I did give her a verbal eviction notice this morning. Here is my 40 week picture.

Love Stef & Baby Ella

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A false alarm

Well early this morning, bags and all, we made a trip into the hospital around 12:30am and was home by 3am. I thought that my water had broken and they said I had to come in and get tested to make sure because of the rate of infection to me and the baby. You would think that a constant trickle for a hour would be a sign of water breaking, but I guess not. I had my regular doctor appointment this morning, so going on 3 hours of sleep felt great :) I am now at 2cm dilated and about 70% thinned out. The doctor said that with all the progress that I'm making and because of her position that I will go into labor naturally one of these days. Dr. Epperson did strip my membranes in hope that we can move the labor along. Our induction date will be March 18 if she doesn't make an appearance anytime soon. Hopefully we have no late night hospital visits anytime soon unless Ella will be the end result. I will keep everyone updated.

Love Stef & Baby Ella